How to maintain you pond pump and filter

The flow rate of your pond pump will affect the clarity of your pond water. A pond pump working optimally will help to maintain a healthy, thriving ecosystem. However, a murky pond can affect the flow rate and so it becomes a vicious circle until the cause of the murky water is dealt with and filter plus pump are clean. Skimming-off dead leaves and debris from the surface of your pond as part of regular maintenance will go a long way to keeping your pond free of algae build-up. And as a result your pond pump will be relatively free of debris build-up, which could affect the impeller. The impeller is the rotor used to increase the pressure and flow rate.

It is important to keep an eye on the water level because you don’t want your skimmer to run dry. Also make sure that an over-growth of plants, algae blooms or debris aren’t blocking water flow rate or clogging your skimmer.

When to clean your pump and filter

If you notice a slow functioning pump, it is time for a clean. It is important to keep the pond strainer covers free of blanket weed, also known as string algae, and debris to prevent your pump over heating.

  • Disconnect from power supply before lifting a submersible pump from pond.
  • Use water only to wash out silt, sediment, algae and debris.
  • Hose down filters with a strong jet of water.
  • Check hose to make sure there are no blockages.

How to stop algae affecting pump

A certain amount of algae is healthy but an over production preventing sunlight penetrating a pond and choking the production of oxygen is not. The first and most obvious sign is when the pond becomes cloudy.

Excessive algae blooms could be due to any one or all of the following reasons:

  • not enough aquatic plants to stop algae taking up all the oxygen and nutrients
  • pond receives too much daily sunlight
  • high nutrient levels. This maybe as a result of rainwater runoff bring nutrients from fertilizers into the pond or due to debris accumulation

Algae invasion can be prevented by blocking rainwater run-off reaching your pond, avoiding the use of lawn fertilizers, planting sufficient aquatic plants to provide shade to at least 60% of pond surface, removing fallen leaves before they sink to bottom of pond, and avoiding overstocking and overfeeding of fish.

String Algae in pond can affect pond-

Another way of controlling algae is to put barley straw in the water. Pond experts are divided in their opinions about the use of barley straw to control algae. But, anecdotal evidence certainly proves it is worth pond owners trying it rather than using chemicals or battling an algae invasion. The recommended time to add the barley straw is in April. The packaging should tell you how much to put in relative to the size of your pond.

Good general advice to keep your pond pump working for many years is to avoid frequently switching it on and off. They are designed for continual usage.